Services & Urban Design
Combine strength, durability, safety and good look in large public spaces requires careful planning and the careful choice of the right products. With a range that combine high thicknesses, several antislip options, heat, light, scratch, rub, shock and load concentration resistance, and many colours options, Cipa Gres can surely be a winning choice .

Product classification
Cipa Gres porcelain stoneware is classified according to ISO 13006 EN 14411 Group B1a UGL or more simply as monolithic UGL (unglazed) porcelain stoneware. It is made up of a single homogeneous mass that makes it much more resistant than any other type of material that can be used for paving public areas. Repeated steps inflict a continuous rub on the floors, and our UGL products resist this and much more.

Secure workers
Finishes designed and tested ad hoc to respond punctually to the specific needs of each individual environment.
The assortment of structures for the walking surface, the different non-slipcoefficients that meet all international standards, DIN 51130, DIN 51094, B.C.R.A. TORTUS, ASTM 1028, ANSI A 137.1: 2012, BS 7976-2: 2002, UNE ENV 12633: 2006, AS 4586: 2013 etc., with "V" from 4 to 10, allows designers to choose the right product for every single need .

Dimensional features EN ISO 10545-2
The high quality standard of Cipa Gres products, quite better than norms prescribe, gives a dimensional precision to our production, both in the calibres (real size) and in the thickness, that allows to choose the joint with total design freedom.

Flexural strength and breaking strength EN ISO 10545-4
The very high values of our production, almost double those required by international standards, place our products at the top among the products on the market suitable for this intended use.
A suitable laying, so-called full-bed, will allow to take advantage of the greater performance of our porcelain stoneware at a value that stands, working by compression, at about 3500 Kg./cm2 .

Stain resistance UNI EN ISO 10545-14
Thanks to the closed surface micro porosity, typical of our porcelain stoneware, all our products are in class 5, so any accidental stains of any nature are easily removable.

Project productions
Our production techniques allow to realize special project finishing and colours upon customer request. Already several designers found in our flexibility the correct answer for the chromatic mix and equilibrium they was looking for.

Hydrojet cutting and sandblasting
Our technical porcelain stoneware, being a full body (UGL), allows us to create on demand your own logo inserted in the floor.